Dining Table

Bringing the childhood dining table into current times

Bed Frame Part 2

The old lofted bed frame (earlier post) served its purpose well in a small studio. With a whole entire room dedicated to the bed, it’s time to cut down some angle iron and add a touch of wood to the new frame. With no welds, stock materials retain their potential for many future uses. It can be disassembled in ten minutes and wont fall apart the next time you put it back together.

It's Decking Time

The ledger on this deck had finally given way and was begging for an update. I was hired to demo and rebuild the deck; With a little help from my friends, we tackled it in under a week with less than $4k all said and done. We added a drainage gap, tried to salvaged as much of the structure as possible and finished it off with a fresh spread of cedar decking. This deck is now ready for the seasons, summer being a good one to get started!

Sunshade in Mongolia

While volunteering for Christina Noble’s Children Foundation for a couple of weeks in Ulaanbaatar, one of my tasks was to create a sunshade over the sports court which acts as the performance space for the summer talent show. Planning, sourcing and executing the project was a three day effort and despite language barriers, came together fairly well. The first day of making the thing, me and one other guy (who we could not speak a single word to each other) were hit with an epic front of rain and wind. We caught the flow of getting things tied back and the second day we were gifted with sunshine and easy sailing. The day of the talent show, about 8 of us all took a rope and hoisted the canopy into the air. Success! Now for the real show as the children take the stage.

Dam House Deck

Located near a dam, a small house sits above the water. Naturally, a deck at the water’s edge to sit and enjoy the view is in order. Holy granite, that stuff is hard. Good thing we could borrow a solid hammer drill to get these anchors in place. With a git-er-done approach, this thing goes from scheming to done in four days. Once the beams were in place, Ricky Bobby set me loose for him to finish up the framing and decking.

Drum Light

Made for a (reuse/re purpose) white elephant gift exchange, an old drum of mine made for a perfect luminaire. The coated drum head diffuses the light very well, with a clear head on the back providing some nice indirect lighting. Now to figure out how this could work while remaining a functional snare drum…

Cladding Study

While at Johnston Architects, I helped design and document a custom home to be built in White Salmon, WA with incredible views looking west into the Columbia River Gorge. Rolling the 3D printer into this process and providing full scale siding mock ups were a couple fun ways to discuss the design. More to come!

Lofting the Bed

Living in less that 300 SQ is easy if you can create more space. Lucky to have these nice tall ceilings, bolting together some angle iron made this challenge rather straight forward. With no welds, when it’s time to retire the bedframe, all of the materials are as they were from the store, with the exception of a few holes…

The Truck Platform

One summer, before a Phish concert at the Gorge Amphitheater, a few of us agreed it would be a great idea to have a platform to hang out on; to be above the sea of cars in the campground, there’s no better way to take in the views during daytime festivities, or watch the fireworks after sundown. It came down to me to plan and build the thing, but the rewards have been enjoyed among the best groups and great times. There are six panels that bolt together, collapsing to fit in the bed with the tailgate closed. Removable carpet and padding makes for a living room comfort anywhere you’d like.